New Chemistry Mid term test for JSS2

Welcome to your New Chemistry Mid term test for JSS2

Which of the following is a physical change?

What property stays the same during physical and chemical changes?

Which of the following describes the process of depositing a zinc layer or iron

Which of the following is not essential for rusting to take place

Heavy chemicals can be harmful to humans except if it is in

One of the following is used in making soap

Chemicals used by industries in small quantities but with high purity is

One of the following is not the factor that determines the location of an industry

What is the common name given to petroleum oil

Which process is used to separate out different hydrocarbon compounds from petroleum


When a new substance is formed with different properties than the original substance it is called a

___________ is the chemical formula of rust

_________ is in small quantity but with high purity

Man-made clothes are usually referred to as ________

Another name for crude oil is _________


1a.What is a physical change?

1b. State 2 properties/ characteristics of physical change

2a. State 2 causes of rusting of iron

2b. State 2 ways to preventing of rusting

3a. Define chemicals

3b. Differentiate between fine and heavy chemicals

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