New Economics Mid term test for JSS3

Welcome to your New Economics Mid term test for JSS3

1. A set of rules or policies guiding the operations of an office is called.

2. Bills are .....

3. A typical bill contain the following except

4. Document issued in respect of buying and selling of goods with a list of item bought is called------

5. sharing work into different units in such a way that each unit is undertaken by one person is called -------

6. Those equipment used in the office are generally called ------

7. types of bills I know are ------- and -------

8. an office equipment used to store an office document is called ------

9. The act of specializing in a particular type of job done is called ------

10. A proof of payment made is called -------


1. A detailed account of all items of goods kept in a store is called ------

2. Two types of store records I know are -------- and 3 --------

4. Two types of specialization I know are ------- and 5 -------



1a. Define division of labour

1b. State any two advantages of division of labour

1c. What is specialization?

2a. What is store

2b. Define stock-taking

2c. Give one reason why stock-taking is necessary

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