New Reading and expression Skills Mid Term Test for JSS1

Welcome to your New Reading and expression Skills Mid Term Test for JSS1


1. Okonkwo, as a young boy, brings honour to his village by _______

2. Okoye comes to Unoka to collect the money he lends to Unoka because _______

3. When Unoka died, he had _____

4. "As the elders said, if a child washed his hands, he could eat with kings". This proverb is referring to ______

5. The virgin girl from Mbaino village is given as compensation to ______

6. Okonkwo starts his first farming with the yams he borrowed from ______


7. Okonkwo is given _____ tubers of yams the first time he started farming

8. The charm that assists Umuofia during war is called ______

9. Okonkwo hands Ikemefuna to _______ to look after him

10. " Eneke, the bird says that since men have leanrt to shoot without missing, he has learnt to fly without perching ". Who made this statement______


Answer only two questions from this section

a. Unoka is a weak and lazy man. From the text, discuss instances of his weakness and laziness

b. Okonkwo is a strong man and also very hard working. Give illustrations from the text to buttress the above saying.

c. Discuss the relationship between Okonkwo and his entire household

d. Okonkwo's strong will helped him survive the first year of a very bad harvest. Narrate what happened

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