National Value Jss1 First term exams

Welcome to your National Value Jss1 First term exams

____is a lifestyle that makes people to be relied upon at all times

A benefit of honesty that makes a man to rise from grass to grace is_____

____is an attribute of honesty that enables individual to reveal the truth without fear nor favor

Civic Education is studied to achieve one of these

The acceptable behavior of a society is called

Civic Education makes us know_____

______is the emotional attachment a person has for a person or group of persons

A broom sweeps better as a broom and not as separate entity shows____

The road sign light that shows "red" means

The political party at the federal government level in Nigeria today is___

All these are qualities of a good friend except

which of the following is not an attribute of co-operation ?

The following concepts except one are part of culture

_____ is a way of improving friendship

The following factors could destroy friendship except

which of the following can result from lack of co-operation?

___ is not a type pf citizenship

_____ is the ability to reason with the view of an opponent

_____is a person who you virtually work with while performing a task

The study of Man and his interaction with his social and physical environment is

_____is defined as the moral principle and standards which guide human actions

contentment means_______

Sokoto is to Sokoto as ____ is to Zamfara

The largest continent in the world is _______

The ethnic group that is found in almost all the Northern sates of Nigeria is the ____

The executive Governor of Anambra State is___

The black shield in the coat of arm represents______

Shame and Dishonor are consequences of _____

The administrative head of a secondary is the _____

Wet season in Nigeria starts from ____to _____

Theory answer only 4 questions 1a) define family as a social group b) explain two types of family c) outline two characteristics of a large family

2a)mention two benefits of honesty b) explain two factors that promote good values c) State two consequences of honesty

3a)list two attributes of co-operation b)define co-operation c) mention two ethnic groups in Nigeria exclusive of Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba

4a) Define Friendship b)mention two importance of friendship c)outline two qualities that determines our choice of friendship

5a) Identify two types of negative behavior b) In what four ways can one acquire citizenship? c) identify two factors that enhance friendship

____is a lifestyle that makes people to be relied upon at all times

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