JSS 3 examination



1. One of the following crop is propagated by seeds only

2. All these are leguminous crops except

3. The farming system which is most adequate for both soil and livestock management is ------

4. The hand trowel is used for ---

5. One of these animals can be managed in a battery cage system

6. Another name for embroidery stitches is -------

7. One of the following is a human activity that affects the forest

8.------- is the market where stock , shares and other securities are sold

9. A post planting operation carried out in yam production is referred to as

10. One of the following does not belong to the group

11. Each hair grow from a narrow tube called

12. The set of teeth located at the centre of the jaw are the

13..Sweat is produced in the skin by -------

14. The short span of time which marks the beginning of sexual maturation is called

15. The area of agriculture that deals with plant disease prevention and control is --------

16. One of the following is not a method of preserving fish

17. One of the commonest endo parasite in pig is

18. The removal of weak and excess seedlings after germination is

19. Sexually transmitted disease is an illness spread from one person to another through

20. Water can be lost from the soil through

21. Growing the same type of crop on the same piece of land year after year is referred to as

22. The method of cooking food on dry heat is called

23. The process of replacing worn out part with a piece of fabric is ------

24. One of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease

25. Freedoms and benefits that are guaranteed to people by law are called

26. Those important things which the family requires for survival are called

27. The process of caring for the hands and fingers is

28. Which of the following is not a human resource?

29. Educating and advising farmers to use improved methods of farming is known as

30. A castrated male cattle is called a ----

31. The common name for the weed Impereta cylindrica is --------

32. Which of the following is not a nursery crop?

33. Rhizome is a propagatory material for one of the following crops

34. All these are ways soil looses nutrient except

35. All these are disease causing organisms in plants except

36. Leaching can be defined as -------

37. A type of drainage whereby open ditches are dug to drain excess water is ------

38. Fungi reproduce by means of ------

39. Development in children follows a particular -----

40. Packaging ensures all except

41. A feed given to animals to make up for deficient nutrient is known as

42. A large sea- going vessel equipped for capturing large fish often with machanically operated nets is referred to as

43. The practice that involves the growing of tree crops together with food crops on the same land is known as --------

44. The use of one of the following prevents serious mistakes in dress making

45. Which of the following is important for proper development of bones?

46. ----------- supplies the body with heat and energy

47. One amongst these is not a tool for pattern drafting

48. Which of the following group of people require increase intake of iron

49. A person who is no longer sick but gradually recovering after illness is

50. Foods that can spoil easily are said to be -----

51. --------- occurs when the ovum is fertilized

52. The care given to a mother after childbirth is

53. Proteins are made up of all except one

54. In millions test, egg-white gives a ------ precipitate

55. The last product of protein digestion is ---------

56. Mastitis is a disease in cattle caused by ---;;

57. The elements that make up carbohydrates are

58. In livestock management, dipping the animals into chemicals is used to control ------

59. Which of the following is not a disease causing organism in farm animals?

60. Which of these animals is kept for the production of wool?


1a. Explain the term animal improvement

1b. State the three methods of animal improvement

1c. Explain the following terms in animal improvement

2a. State the two major factors that influences development in children

2b. State three importance of family budget

2c. Name two classes of fibre giving an example of each

3a. State three importance of Agriculture

3b. Outline three problems of Agricultural development in Nigeria

3c. Differentiate in three ways between subsistence farming and commercial farming

4. Explain three factors that influences the price of Agricultural produce

4b. Mention four aims of crop improvement

4c. State the first and second law of medel Gregory using pea plants