3rd Term Examination for JSS1 on PHE

Welcome to your 3rd Term Examination for JSS1 on PHE

1. Tumbling and stunts are parts of ___

2. A purpose of physical and health education is to create a means of __

3. Physical education involves the fitness of only __

4. ___ is a throwing event in athletics

5. Wrestling was used for___ in the ancient times

6. ___ is among the determinants of one's health

7. There are __ major classes of food

8. One of the non locomotive movement is __

9. The person in charge of rescue in swimming is the __

10. Personal hygiene is studied in _____ education

11. The ability of an individual to do his/her work without undue tiredness is known as ___

12. Recreation means engaging oneself in a worthwhile activity voluntarily at __ time

13. The two main branches of athletics are field events and __

14. All these are field events EXCEPT

15. Non - contact sports are games that can be played without __ contact of the pages

16. Another name for the side stroke is __ stroke

17. Liquid waste can generally be called__

18. A person needs __ to prevent hunger

19. Nobody can survive without

20. Carbohydrates provides __ for the body


1. A doctor who cares for the teeth is referred to as a __

2. The commonest accident in the swimming pool is __

3. The end product of carbohydrates is _

4. Dumping of solid waste in the stream is referred to as___ pollution

5. The method of waste disposal where paper is used to produce toilet tissue is called __ method

6. Aquatic sports which uses ball as one of the equipment is___

7. Physical fitness is best defined as ___

8. __ is a method of child abuse

9. Wrestling was used for __ in the ancient times

10. __ is an example of insect borne disease


1. Define the following terms. A. Food B. Nutrition. C. Health.D. mention the seven (7) classes of food

2. Define disease. B.Mention the types of diseases and give one example of each , C. Outline any (3) three preventive measures of communicable diseases

3. What is wrestling. B. List (3) skills and techniques in wrestling, C. Outline (3) importance of wrestling

4. Explain child abuse. B. Mention any two types of child abuse. C. List (3) consequences of child abuse

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