1. These are examples of examination malpractice except
2. ______ is one of the causes of examination malpractice
3. ______ is act of lying or hiding the truth in any relationship
4. Refusing to forgive and bring up past mistake is the act of _____
5. _____ is one of the benefits of cooperation
6. The willingness to believe that can rely on the goodness of others is ___
7. One of the attributes of cooperation is _____
8. Another word for esprit Dr corps is ____
9. The main annual rainfall varies from ______ along the coast
10.Relative humidity decreases towards ____
11. Nigeria is characterized by _____ types of wind
12. We have _____ types of seasons in Nigeria
13. _____ are benefits of cooperation except
14. Consequences of examination malpractice include all except
15. The following are types of value except ____
17. _____ refers to a number of people who have common interest for a particular purpose
18. Primary social group is called _____
19. ____ is believing in yourself and your abilities
20. People who set good examples for others are called ____
21. Nigeria is divided into ____ geo - political zones
22. River Niger has been used for ____ and ___ since ancient time
23. Nigeria us located in ____ Africa
24. Which of Nigerian currency does not have a picture of a hero in it
25. Exhibiting jealousy in a relationship can lead to ____
26. The following are factors that promote value except ___
27. The first and closet agent of socialization of the child in the family is the _____
28. Which of these is a cause of conflict?
29. _____ is speaking negatively about a friend
30. ______ helps an individual to reveal the truth