New computer Mid term test for JSS3

Welcome to your New computer Mid term test for JSS3

1. What is the main function of Internet Search Engines?

2. What is a "search query" in the context of Internet Search Engines?

3. What is the web address for Google Search?

4. What does SERP stand for?

5. What does "Digital Divide" refer to?

6. Why is the present age called the "digital age"?

7. How is data represented in digital devices like computers?

8. What was the primary focus of the old economy?

9. What is one feature of the New Economy?

10. What is a limitation of the Old Economy compared to the New Economy?

SECTION B (Sub-Objective)

2. Compare and contrast the features of the Old Economy and the New Economy, highlighting their differences in technology and competition

3. Provide examples of how the New Economy has influenced business operations and job opportunities.


1. Explain the concept of a "search query" and its role in the functioning of Internet Search Engines

2. Describe the main components of a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and their significance in aiding users' search queries.

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