New Prevocational studies Mid term test for JSS3

Welcome to your New Prevocational studies Mid term test for JSS3

1. The direction of yarn or thread in fabric is called -------

2. A thread made by twisting or spunning fibres is defined as----------

3. Tiny hair-like strands used for making fabrics describes ---------

4. A typical plant fibre include all except --------

5. One of these is a stiffening agent

6. A treadle machine is operated with ---------

7. The part of the sewing machine that raises and lowers the needle is called -------

8. One of these is an animal fibre

9. All these are types of branding except--------

10. Man-made fibre include all except -------


1. The process of running down the edge of garment is known as ---------

2. Fibres are classified into -------and --------

3. One of the reasons for packaging is ---------

4. Packaging in Agriculture can be defined as ----------

5. One of the reasons for studying textiles is ----------


1a. List any three methods used for garment construction

b. Mention any two properties of cotton

2a. What is branding in Agriculture?

b. Write any two guidelines for laundering wool

3. List any three factors that influence the price of Agricultural products

b. Mention three types of sewing machines we have

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