New Reading and expression Skills Mid Term Test for JSS2

Welcome to your New Reading and expression Skills Mid Term Test for JSS2

1. Okonkwo, as a young boy, brings honor to his village by ______

2. Okoye comes to Unoka to collect the money he lends him because ______

3. When Unoka died, he had _____

4. "As the elders said, if a child washed his hands, he could eat with kings". This proverb is referring to ______

5. The virgin girl from Mbaino village is given as compensation to ______

6. Okonkwo starts his first farming with the yams he borrowed from ______


7. Okonkwo is given _____ tubers of yams the first time he started farming

8. The charm that assists Umuofia during war is called ______

9. Okonkwo hands Ikemefuna to _______ to look after him

10. " Eneke, the bird says that since men have leanrt to shoot without missing, he has learnt to fly without perching ". Who made this statement______


1. Okonkwo is a fearless man but he is ruled with two fears. (i) Mention his two greatest fears (ii) Explain why he fears them.

2. Okonkwo is a successful man in Umuofia village. (i) Discuss his rise to success.

3. Explain in details the character of Unoka

4. Discuss the inner struggles of Okonkwo as a young boy growing up under his father Unoka.

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