1. One of the characteristics of non-perishable food is that they----------
2. A human activity that affects the forest include -------
3.One of the following forest products serves as raw materials for paper industry
4. The planting of tree- seedlings in our school Regent college school of science is referred to as
5. A process by which felled tree grow up again is termed
7. Elimination of water content from a harvested fish to discourage microbial growth is ----------
8. The practice of growing tree crops together with food crops on the same piece of land is known as
9. A sea- going vessel equipped for capturing large fish often with machanically operated nets is known as -------
10. An activity carried out to prevent the spoilage or loss of quantity of farm produce is called ---------
11. When a forest is established where it has not been existing, it is called
12. All these can be seen as classes of resources except ------ resources
13. Earthworms or insects placed on hooks to attract fishes are called -------
14. The following are male adult of livestock except
15. ----------- are used for meeting family needs
16. Which of the following is not a human resource?
17. One of these is not an example of marine water
18. An adult male goat is known as --------
19. A capon is a --------
20.Raw meat should be stored in the ---------
1b. Outline the functions of the following in a standard fish pond